People Search Directory

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Thousands of Americans are using our online people finder to help them make better-informed decisions. We can help you track down an old friend, relative, or classmate. You can also rely on our criminal record search to make sure your potential roommate or date has a clear past. Additionally, our algorithms can help you verify the identity of buyers and sellers online so that you don’t end up making a grave error with your money.

What Data Can Be Found Inside a Report?

  • Contact Information
  • Addresses
  • Related People
  • Criminal History
  • Sex Offenders
  • Jobs & Education
  • Financial Information
  • Personal Assets
  • Social Media
  • Business History
  • Licenses

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a limit on how many people I can search?

With CheckPeople, you can get unlimited searches & reports! Our people search services are never meant to be used to stalk or harass individuals, or to steal another person’s identity. We are a safe and easy people search solution when other background check and people lookup services turn up dry.

While your first search with CheckPeople is free, you will need to pay a small monthly subscription fee in order to have access to unlimited searches.

What type of information will I find with CheckPeople?

Our people search service utilizes public information like criminal records, civil records, bankruptcies, liens, lawsuits, etc. All of this information powers our free people search service so that our clients can find anyone quickly and easily. You’ll never have to wonder about the one who got away ever again. Are you looking for a lost love or family member? Are you searching for somebody who might have fallen through the cracks? We can help.

Is CheckPeople legal?

Public records are regulated by the Fair Credit and Reporting Act (FCRA). Under FCRA laws, we are not considered a consumer reporting agency, so the information pulled from our website cannot be used for employment purposes (even for domestic help), tenant screening, determining insurance eligibility, or for stalking and harassing people.

If you are or were a criminal and have a criminal record, you are entitled to a copy of that record thanks to the Freedom of Information Act. As stated earlier, police records are a matter of public record, therefore they are available for free access to the public. The Freedom of Information Act states that any person has the right to request access to federal agency records or information, except for exemptions that are listed. This means that anyone in the U.S. can request basic information that is considered public record, such as voter’s registration, property deeds, or criminal records.

The U.S. system of recording and storing these police records isn’t always the easiest to navigate. Records can have issues crossing state lines, which is why it’s important to find a database that checks all states and compiles the findings. A lot of people say the U.S. should make it easier and have all records in one pool, but that’s just not how things are done.