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Find People Years After Graduation

Michelle Wilson - June 4, 2019

Find People After Graduation

It’s that time of year again! Senior-itis has hit, everyone is buying their cap and gown, and people are getting ready to say goodbye to a familiar place and familiar faces. Graduation is an exciting time, but it also means you will likely lose contact with the people you used to see all the time. More than likely you’ve met a ton of different people, but you haven’t been able to connect with everyone that you’d like to get to know a little better.

Maybe it’s the cute guy in your bio class or the friendly girl you used to talk to in stats, either way; you want to try to stay in touch with people you’ve met during what has turned out to be some of the best years of your life thus far. It can be tricky though. According to an annual survey conducted in 2018, the average college graduating class in 2017 was just under 7,000 students. UCF has the most significant graduating class, topping out at 57,000 students a year. That’s a lot of people to meet in a lifetime let alone in a year.

You don’t want to miss out on all of those great networking opportunities before you all go your separate ways. There are some methods you can take to ensure you make better connections now so that continuing them after you graduate is simple.

Keep forgetting to save your classmates’ phone number?

Did you work with someone you thought was fantastic on a project, but somehow never managed to save their contact information? Looking through your phone’s history and using PeopleFinders’ reverse phone lookup to try and figure out whose number is whose.

Sending graduation announcements and can’t find your relatives’ address?

You’ve worked hard, and want all your loved ones to help you celebrate that fact. But unless you’ve kept your address book entirely updated, you probably don’t have all of the addresses you’re going to need to send out graduation announcements. Fortunately for you, as long as you know their name, performing a people search to try and find their current address is simple.

Did you forget someone’s name?

Perhaps you never even knew it! In college, we often never catch our classmates’ last names. However, you might see a city or area he or she lives in, and that can often be enough information. Using a people search to enter the information you know is easier than you think. You can find your classmate without even knowing their full name.

You can also use the same tool if you only know the last name. And if you only remember an address from that one time you went to study group at his or her house, you can do an address lookup and find the names of people who lived there.

Are you worried about someone who’s trying too hard to stay in touch with you?

Unfortunately, there’s a darker side to all this. Is there someone who won’t stop bugging you about staying in touch, someone who gives you a bad feeling? Maybe he or she makes you uneasy, and you don’t know why. Use the background check or criminal records lookup feature to try and see if you have a foundation for your feelings.

Even if you don’t find anything unsavory in the person’s past, don’t feel pressured to stay in touch. If he or she continues to bother you, don’t feel bad about contacting a school official for help. Trust your gut.

Do you want to keep in touch for career opportunities?

If you’re a go-getter, maybe you want to see which of your new friends might be able to give you a leg up. Use people to search again to find LinkedIn pages.

You also need to see who’s worthy of a recommendation from you. You could use the background check or criminal records search to see maybe if you should be comfortable or not providing that reference. After all, recommending someone with a record could reflect poorly upon you.

Are you trying to stay in touch with a professor?

Professors can sometimes seem completely unreachable, despite their efforts to the contrary. You may be intimidated to ask in person whether you can stay in touch, or you may never get the chance to speak one on one. Luckily, professors are on PeopleFinders just like everyone else. Have a look at the usual people search to connect with these folks.

You have no excuses. Keep in touch with pals and colleagues, or build up your courage and text your college crush. A study by Reuben J. Thomas on how people meet their closest friends concludes that most people in their 20s meet their most intimate friends through school.

Don’t miss your chance. You may be entering a whole new chapter of your life, but there’s no reason you can’t bring some old friends along with you.


Browse the CheckPeople blog for more ideas about how to use people search engines more effectively in your long-last family investigations, as well as other searches.

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